Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Painting at an Orphanage

The internship agency I came here with (VAC) sets up "Friday Activities" for all the interns, and this past Friday's activity was to go paint an Orphanage in the township of Nyanga. This is the township I was at for the Braai earlier on. The orphanage we went to is called "Emasithandane Children's Organization" and it’s not an "official" orphanage yet. This is because it was started by a self-less and loving woman who simply opened her home to orphans within the community. She has now made an extension on her house and has added other things so that other children can live there. VAC went to help brighten up the new place with some paint.

When we arrived, you could tell that the area was poor- Nyanga is one of the poorest townships in Cape Town. But within the poverty you couldn't help but see the gleaming smiles of about 10 young children poking their heads out the front door. They were are all so cute and just wanted to play. The other VAC interns and I had to paint first but afterwards we got to play with the kids. We painted inside the house as well as a mural on an outside wall which is a bright "under the sea" theme. The kids loved it. And again, the kids were THRILLED when we would allow them to take pictures on our cameras. Unfortunately the pictures on my camera, taken by a little munchkin named Tashaka, have his finger covering each and every frame. It was cute nonetheless. The kids only spoke a tiny bit of English but it showed me that you can still have fun, and play, without being able to communicate perfectly.

The saddest part of this whole experience was leaving. The kids didn't want us to leave- and wouldn't let go of us. I was holding Tashaka, and when it came time to leave he wrapped his legs around me like a brace and would not let go. It was so sad, but I know for sure I will go back. The director of the orphanage said that they will host a Braai for us (as a thank you for painting) sometime soon so that we can go play with the kids again. I loved going to the orphanage and playing with kids- I think I had a "perma-smile" the whole time. Everything I've experienced in Cape Town so far has been amazing, but the happiness and joy I get from seeing those kids smile and play is something I can barely put into words. You'll have to experience it for yourself! :)

Tashaka and I

                         The mural that VAC painted

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